What Gear Do You Need for Jiu-Jitsu?

After deciding to take up jiu-jitsu as a hobby, the next step is to prepare yourself for your first class. One of the most important aspects of that preparation is finding what gear you need for training.

A basic gear set for jiu-jitsu must include clothing that is appropriate for training. The gi will likely be your main training uniform, but you may need no-gi equipment as well. You should also bring plenty of water and a reliable bag to carry all your gear.

There are several additional items you can include in your gear set. We’ll cover a few of those items later in this post. For now, let’s stick to the essential gear that you need for jiu-jitsu.

What Should You Wear to Train Jiu-Jitsu?

The clothing you wear to train jiu-jitsu depends on the style of jiu-jitsu you do. Gi and no-gi are the two main jiu-jitsu styles, and the primary distinction between them is the clothing you wear while training. Let’s start by looking at the clothes you should wear for gi jiu-jitsu.

What to Wear for Gi Jiu-Jitsu

To train gi jiu-jitsu, you must wear a gi. The gi is not only a symbol of jiu-jitsu’s unique lineage, but it is also a tool that you can use while you grapple. Many beginners may need to start by simply learning what a gi is and how to put one on, but after a few weeks of training, you’ll become well acquainted with this garment.

You’ll also want to wear something underneath your gi for several reasons. First, gis consist of thick materials that can be rough and cause skin irritation. Second, it’s normal for the tugging and pulling present in gi jiu-jitsu to cause parts of your gi to come off during training. It’s common to see practitioners with their belts off, and their jackets open during an intense sparring session.

Overall, what you choose to wear under your gi is up to you. Many people wear a t-shirt and shorts or a rash guard under their gis. The best approach is to find clothing that you can wear under your gi that makes you feel comfortable and does not restrict your movement.

What to Wear for No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu

As the name implies, you won’t need to wear a gi for no-gi jiu-jitsu. The lack of a standard uniform in no-gi grappling gives you a lot of freedom in choosing what you’d like to wear. Generally, practitioners will wear standard workout gear, such as a shirt and a pair of shorts. They may also wear sweats or rash guards while training no-gi jiu-jitsu.

While there are plenty of outfit options in no-gi jiu-jitsu, there are a few guidelines you should follow when choosing clothing items. It’s best to wear clothing that has a relatively tight fit. Loose clothing can easily get caught while grappling.

It’s also wise to avoid clothing that has a lot of loops, pockets, or buttons. Such clothing can catch your opponent’s fingers or toes, which may cause them to twist or break in some cases. Often, clothing snags are nothing more than a nuisance that will restrict your grappling. However, there’s some possibility that wearing improper clothing could lead to injury.

Have a Way to Bring Plenty of Water to Class

It may seem obvious that you should bring water when beginning any type of exercise. However, if you are just starting out, you may be shocked by how physically strenuous a jiu-jitsu class can be. Without proper hydration, it’s easy to get dehydrated while training.

Also, there’s a chance that your gym may not have the means to supply water for everyone. Or they may have a single water source that all students share during training breaks. Having a large water bottle of your own is the surest and most convenient way to give yourself the liquids you need and get back on the mat in a timely fashion.

It’s easy to neglect the importance of a water bottle amidst all the other lessons and techniques you’ll learn as a novice jiu-jitsu practitioner. But there will likely come a time during your first class when the instructor gives the class a water break. As you emerge from the bewilderment of your first few sparring rounds, trust that you’ll appreciate having a water supply readily available.

Get a Dedicated Jiu-Jitsu Bag

A dedicated jiu-jitsu bag is as important as any other item in your gear set. We recommend finding a durable duffle bag that is large enough to accommodate the clothing and equipment you’ll need for jiu-jitsu. Having a sufficient bag is a logistical imperative that will make going to and from your classes much easier.

Use your jiu-jitsu bag for no other purpose. After training, your clothing will not only be sweat-soaked, but it may also harbor microbes that can cause serious infections. Confining your training clothes to a single location, your bag, helps reduce the chances those infections will spread. Likewise, you should wash those clothes immediately after training and wash your bag regularly as well.

Skin infections are one of the biggest threats to those who grapple regularly. It’s the responsibility of each jiu-jitsu practitioner to keep themselves and their gear clean. Doing so keeps your training partners safe and healthy. Being deliberate about what you put in your bag and where you store it is vital to that collective effort.

Other Important Items to Add to Your Jiu-Jitsu Bag

The essential items we mentioned above are what you’ll need to get started with jiu-jitsu. However, there are several other items that may not be absolutely necessary but can be beneficial additions to your gear set. Here are a few other important items you might want to bring with you for your training:

  • Mouthguard

  • Knee Pads

  • Groin protection

  • Tape

  • Sandals to wear off the mats

  • Extra Sets of Clothes

While the items in that list may not be necessities, they are incredibly helpful. Take time to consider which ones will benefit you most, then customize your gear with these additional items until you are satisfied.


Finding the right gear for a new hobby can be difficult. But if you are wondering what you need to bring with you for your first jiu-jitsu class, look no further than the gear items we’ve mentioned above.

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